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Kwaliteitsstandaard AL-Amyloïdose
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> Literatuur


  • Advies- en expertgroep, Kwaliteitsstandaarden, and (AQUA) (2014). Leidraad voor kwaliteitsstandaarden v.1.
  • Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality (AHRQ) (2012). Stem cell transplantation in primary systemic amyloidosis.
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  • Caccialanza, R., Palladini, G., Klersy, C., Cereda, E., Bonardi, C., Cameletti, B., Quarleri, L., Montagna, E., Foli, A., Milani, P., et al. (2014). Malnutrition at diagnosis predicts mortality in patients with systemic immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis independently of cardiac stage and response to treatment. JPEN J. Parenter. Enteral Nutr. 38, 891–894.
  • Caccialanza, R., Palladini, G., Cereda, E., Bonardi, C., Milani, P., Cameletti, B., Quarleri, L., Cappello, S., Foli, A., Lavatelli, F., et al. (2015). Nutritional counseling improves quality of life and preserves body weight in systemic immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis. Nutr. Burbank Los Angel. Cty. Calif 31, 1228–1234.
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  • Minnema, M.C., Hazenberg, B.P.C., Croockewit, A., Zweegman, S., Kersten, M.J., Sonneveld, P., Von dem Borne, P.A., Bos, G., van de Waal, E., Vellenga, E., et al. (2013). De behandeling van AL-amyloïdose  in Nederland anno 2013. 5.
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  • Muchtar, E., Buadi, F.K., Dispenzieri, A., and Gertz, M.A. (2016). Immunoglobulin Light-Chain Amyloidosis: From Basics to New Developments in Diagnosis, Prognosis and Therapy. Acta Haematol. 135, 172–190.
  • Muchtar, E., Gertz, M.A., Kumar, S.K., Lacy, M.Q., Dingli, D., Buadi, F.K., Grogan, M., Hayman, S.R., Kapoor, P., Leung, N., et al. (2017). Improved outcomes for newly diagnosed AL amyloidosis over the years 2000-2014: cracking the glass ceiling of early death. Blood.
  • Nienhuis, H.L.A., Bijzet, J., and Hazenberg, B.P.C. (2016). The Prevalence and Management of Systemic Amyloidosis in Western Countries. Kidney Dis. Basel Switz. 2, 10–19.
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  • Palladini, G., Sachchithanantham, S., Milani, P., Gillmore, J., Foli, A., Lachmann, H., Basset, M., Hawkins, P., Merlini, G., and Wechalekar, A.D. (2015). A European collaborative study of cyclophosphamide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone in upfront treatment of systemic AL amyloidosis. Blood 126, 612–615.
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  • Smorti, M., Cappelli, F., Guarnieri, S., Bergesio, F., and Perfetto, F. (2014). Depression and cardiac symptoms among AL amyloidosis patients: the mediating role of coping strategies. Psychol. Health Med. 19, 263–272.
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  • Wechalekar, A.D., Gillmore, J.D., Bird, J., Cavenagh, J., Hawkins, S., Kazmi, M., Lachmann, H.J., Hawkins, P.N., Pratt, G., and BCSH Committee (2015). Guidelines on the management of AL amyloidosis. Br. J. Haematol. 168, 186–206.
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Kwaliteitsstandaard AL-Amyloïdose
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